Consider the impact on our way of being if we focused on the development of our human qualities rather than interpreting them through a cultural or gender lens. Our bodies are not machines. If we perceive the body in pieces and parts, then the true experience of being human is obscured. Consequently, authenticity is stifled by conditioning that exemplifies our differences, and the need to perceive our similarities is inhibited. We are ready to evolve.
At New Business Thinking our visual artists have learned to trust their deeper essence and observe the mind as an instrument of creativity and imagination. In this, the visual artist “intuitively knows when to push record and shift seamlessly from mindfulness to content capture”.
The NBT visual artist’s editing reveals that breaking things down are effective beginnings to understanding but are also pathways to perceiving wholeness. This practice can soften the lens and connect the artist to the content to connect with his or her true nature. Thus, they become part of the content. Any disconnection from the non-dual, deep-inner landscape of our bodies and minds can potentially hinder him or her from connecting authentically with the content and subsequently, the intended audience.
This process expresses the soul of the company and broadcasts outwards, its shift towards a truth centric perspective. Through this practice, opportunities arise inviting new ways of finding the truth – beyond the critical mind. This form of intimate creativity is likely to be contrary to all machines or formulaic scientists. But, as Lao Tzu said, “when I let go of what I am; I become what I might be”.
Just as through Individual & Business Coaching, where the coach and clients use their deeper human technologies to bypass the obstructions that hinder their self-awareness, NBT’s visual artist does the same. In this, they produce work that harnesses their complete human functioning. Combined with Individual & Business Coaching, the artist is opened up to authentic connection and can begin to discover the uniqueness of themselves in the playground that has become the environment where collaborative work is done.
The artist practices self-awareness and believes that the cycle of change approaches where love will be the premise for navigating the organizational landscape. This will contribute to corporate-led environments to return to love as their source of power. The artist is empowered by this attitude and supports the transition into a new future by having aligned his or her growth with the broader need for change in society. This artist creates from the heart.